This site will no longer active as of Today, 12/6.

Dear friends,

It has been a pleasure to have been your teacher. As you know, Mrs. Kinley will resume teaching you next Monday, 12/9.

From today onward, this site will no longer contain up to date information about happenings in class. I will leave former agendas, homeworks, and links to classwork up for you– but there will be no new posts from this day on.

If you need information about your class work or homework, please see or email Mrs Kinley.

If you’d like to reach out to me, for anything(!!), feel free to email me using my personal email:

Much love,
Ms. Foley

Our Last Day Together, Tomorrow, 12/6

Hello my friends!

As you well know, we will be having a *jazz hands* fiesta tomorrow!

Image result for jazz hands

I will be bringing in some goodies from home– if you are interested in bringing in anything for yourself or your peers, please do!

Let’s make this the best day ever!

I will be posting a goodbye between now and tomorrow. I’ve really enjoyed my time with you all.

Now let’s party! See you tomorrow!
Ms. F

Blocks B, G and F: Teacher Evaluations

Dear Students,

What a long Thanksgiving break it’s been! Maybe it’s a Thanksgiving miracle??

Anyway, I will definitely see you tomorrow! These next couple of days are my last at Dracut High. Mrs. Kinley will be returning next Monday, 12/9.

Students in Blocks B, F and G will be partaking in Teacher Evaluations– which I conduct at every school I’ve ever taught at.

This is your time to be honest and anonymous. I will not be personally collecting these forms: you will be placing them in a discrete binder that will not be viewed until the end of my assignment here.

This will be helpful for me to improve as a teacher (because, believe it or not, teachers love to learn!) and may help me attain another teaching position in the future.

Again, this is completely anonymous and will not have any impact on your academic, social or emotional wellbeing in class. This is merely a tool for me to continue to grow.

I appreciate all our time together. Let’s make it the best last days ever!
Ms. F

To all Classes: Late/Missing Work

Dear students,

I have been putting in grades for your previous assignments.

For Blocks B, G and F: I have graded the Logos, Pathos, Ethos worksheets, your Love is a Fallacy worksheet and NaNoWrimo #4 (if you participated in this extra credit opportunity).

For Blocks A and E: I have graded The Shining/47 Meters Down worksheets and MP, The Signs Movie Guide worksheet, and the Forrest Gump packet.

If you received a zero for any of the assignments listed above, you still have time to hand it in.

As I’ve prefaced each class last week, my last day with you will be Friday, December 6th. The deadline for any and all missing assignments will be Thursday, December 5th.

Any assignments not turned in (that received a zero in Aspen x2) will remain a zero.

So please check your Aspen x2 and check your binders and folders for any missing work. Please get it to me by December 5th.

If you lost your copy of any work that you have missed, you must find it within the Classroom work links for your period on here. You are responsible for printing and handing any missing work in.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!
Ms. F

Blocks B, F and G: Adjustment to Rap Battle Criteria

Dear Blocks B, F and G,

I hope you are resting well this wonderful long weekend! I am taking the time to write you all in order to inform you of a change I will be making to our final assignment of this unit.

Due to our limited amount of time left together, and indulging the possibility that there may be no school tomorrow due to snow, I will be removing the Presentation component from the rubric. AKA. Presentation of your Rap Battles will no longer be mandatory.

What does this mean for you? You will still be turning in a product (your lyrics) and considering all possible elements needed in a rap battle, like music, rhythm, timing, etc. without needing to create a video or present it live.

For those who are still interested in performing their Rap Battle, you will receive extra points. But performances still have a firm deadline: Friday, December 6th.

Please consult your rubric if you have any questions about grading or email me!
Ms. F

NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program Winners 2019

Dear Blocks B, F and G,

We have our winners of National Novel Writing Month!

In Block F, we have 1 winner:

Rosalie Pineda who wrote 4,010 words!

In Block G, we have 3 winners:

Rachel McIntosh with 65,394 words!

Colby Chandler with 995 words!

Andy Tran with 3,039 words!

Congratulations to you all for your stellar initiative to go above and beyond by participating in NaNoWriMo 2019! These certificates will be distributed this week in order to celebrate your achievement!

Happy writing!
Ms. F

Our Last Week Together (12/2-12/6)

Dear friends,

I really hope you are having a relaxing, safe and fun Thanksgiving break. I missed all of you!

This week, 12/2- 12/6, is our last week together. After this week, Mrs. Kinley will be teaching your classes for the rest of the year.

I will definitely come by as often as I can. I have enjoyed our time together– let’s make this last week the best week ever!

On Thursday and Friday, depending on how much I can haul, I will have some goodies for you all.

Beyond 12/6, feel free to reach me at my personal email address:

If you need ANYTHING, like a letter of recommendation for work or college, tutoring in your classes, or just want to have a chat and tell me what your up to, feel free to shoot me an email! I’d love to hear from you all 🙂

Just know that I love you all and I have treasured my time with you. They say a teacher is as only good as their students, and I feel like am the luckiest teacher in the world.

See you all tomorrow! 5 more days!
Ms. F

Last Day of NaNoWriMo! You made it!

Dear Blocks B, F and G,

You guessed it! Today is November 30th A.K.A. the last day of NaNoWriMo (National novel writing month)!

Image result for nanowrimo you did it

It’s pretty crazy that a month went by so quickly. There were 7 registered in the NaNoWriMo Young Writer’ Program, but only 4 actual participants in this Extra Credit opportunity!

The 4 participants, who shall be named in a later post, will be rewarded for going the extra mile!

I will have awards ready for Monday (or Tuesday– depending on the snow… )

If you are ever interested in participating in NaNoWriMo in the future, you can either register with a class through the Young Writer’s Program or through the official NaNoWriMo website, where your profile and your projects can be saved and reused year after year.

I hope you all enjoyed National Novel Writing Month! Let’s keep writing!
Ms. F