Block B, F and G: Extra Credit Opportunity (NaNoWrimo)

Dear Blocks B, F and G:

Image result for nanowrimo

I hope you are enjoying your evening. I am writing tonight in order to offer an extra credit opportunity to anyone interested.

NaNoWrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month, where people around the globe challenge themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days!

I have participated in NaNoWrimo for nearly ten years. And, since many of you expressed your interest in writing (and interest in boosting your grade)– I offer this to you:

Join NaNoWrimo’s Young Writer’s Program. The link to Sign Up is here:

If you are struggling with to navigating the website, click this link for instructions:

Be sure to register as a Student. This will allow you to join the classroom I have created for each section.

Block B: You will use the classroom code UOZEYKQZ to join.

Block F: You will use the classroom code FWGMHLVA to join.

Block G: You will use the classroom code SHQPCRZW to join.

Once you have joined the classroom you can then Take on the NaNoWrimo 2019 Challenge! All you’d have to click is: “Yes, I Accept!”

You can then create your Novel. For extra credit: Aim to write 4,000 words this Month (set this as your word count goal!). This means you write about 1,000 words a week.

Each week, I’ll add an assignment called “NaNoWrimo Week #1 (#2, 3, 4) and make it out of 25 points.

You will type your Novel on the website. Every 1,000 words– you will receive 25 points of extra credit, making a max of 100 points towards your Q2 average.

This Extra Credit assignment is exclusive to the month of November. If you’d like to participate, sign up and begin writing! Again, every 1,000 words, you will receive 25/25 on Aspen x2. This will help your average tremendously!

Your participation in NaNoWrimo will also supplement your required Journal entries during this month. This means you can write towards your word count during Journal writing days.

I will be reviewing these parameters and how to navigate the website this week before NaNoWrimo starts (November 1st!)

If you have any questions, let me know! I do NaNoWrimo every year (since 2010 to be exact!) I hope to see you on there!

Ms. F

10/17-10/25 Individual Overachievers of Dracut’s Writing Initiative

Dear Block B, F and G,

After much deliberation and counting, I finally have the final totals regarding our Individual Overachievers during the second round of Dracut’s Writing Initiative!

Below are students that have written the most pages out of all four sections:

~Individual Overachievers~

1ST PLACE: Liam Ahearn, Block B, 17 pages

2ND PLACE: Giana Prieto, Block G, 11 pages

3RD PLACE: Katarina Morse, Block G, 10.5 pages

4TH PLACE: Julia Gacek, Block G, 10 pages

All four of you should be very proud of yourselves! You will be rewarded for your ambition at the start of the week.

For the rest of y’all, get inspired! Continue to write and maybe you will make it on this list!

Excellent work, everyone.
Ms. F