Block G: Food & Allergy Survey

Dear Block G,

First of all, congrats on the win! I’m very proud of you guys!

Since you’ve won, we will be celebrating with a fun little shindig. I will be bringing some food and snacks, but would like your input before buying anything.

Image result for party balloon transparent

Please click this link and fill out the questionnaire:

This contains questions about food options (what you would like to eat), dietary restrictions (vegan/vegetarian/gluten), and allergies.

Our celebration will be taking place next Thursday, 11/7. Please respond as soon as possible, so that I can hear from everyone and gather everything we want/need this weekend.

Have a great evening!
Ms. F

10/17-10/25 Dracut’s Writing Initiative Results

Below are the totals for the second round of Dracut’s Writing Initiative!

1ST PLACE: G Block with 160.25 pages!

2ND PLACE: F Block with 135.5 pages!

3RD PLACE: B Block with 130.2 pages!

This Week’s Winner of Dracut’s Writing Initiative is BLOCK G!!

We will be celebrating their win on Thursday, 11/7, during long block. I will generating a survey to tally results regarding food options/ allergies/ food preferences.

I will also be gathering the individual achievements results out of all three classes, and bestowing an award to those who were over achievers during this initiative. I will write a follow up post regarding these results.

The next biweekly writing competition has already began! Keep writing in order to boost the chances that you might win!

Enjoy the weekend!
Ms. F

Important: Quarter 1 Ends 11/4

Dear students,

This is just a reminder that Quarter 1 will come to a close on Monday, 11/4.

You have from now until the day of to turn in any missing assignments, rewrites, etc.

Please check your average and grades on assignments on Aspen x2. I will be sitting down with each and everyone next week and the week after.

After our discussion of your grades, it is up to you to get to me assignments you may have missed.

Thank you all. Enjoy your weekend!
Ms. F