Spirit Week Begins Tomorrow!

Just a final reminder that Spirit Week begins tomorrow!

Below is the scheduled attire for this week, 10/21 to 10/25, along with the Pep Rally date and period:

Monday 10/21 Luau Lovers (Hawaiian shirts and floral necklaces!)

Tuesday 10/22 Breast Cancer Awareness (wear all things pink!)

Wednesday 10/23 Wayback Wednesday (throw on an oldie!)

Thursday 10/24 Matching Day/ “Squad” Day

Friday 10/25 Middies Pride Day!

The pep rally will take place during E Block, Friday 10/25.

Let’s make it the best Spirit week ever!

Ms. F

Block B: Food and Allergy Survey

Dear Block B,

First of all, congrats on the win! I’m very proud of you guys!

Second, the food and allergy lists I passed around class on Friday went missing, so I decided to make a Google form instead.

Image result for party balloon transparent

Please click this link and fill out the questionnaire: 

This contains questions about food options (what you would like to eat), dietary restrictions (vegan/vegetarian/gluten), and allergies.

Ideally, I would have liked to have this fiesta this Tuesday, but I’d prefer to collect everybody’s responses first. So, I will be postponing the celebration until next Tuesday, 10/29, so that I can hear from everyone and gather everything we want/need.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Ms. F