Review on Classroom Expectations

Hello students,

It has been a great first week. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you all and familiar with the layout and routines of Dracut High School.

Now that I have a better understanding of the climate here, I can go out on a limb and review essential Classroom Expectations, or standards that I will hold in the classroom. This involves completion of class work, behavior and socializations between peers and between you and I.

  1. Students should be able to thrive within the classroom. This means that students come here to learn, be involved with their classwork, engage in all assignments with a growth-mindset.
  2. Students should be able to have appropriate interactions amongst their peers. This means that we are building a community of learners, building each other up rather than tear each other down. Positive interactions between peers create a healthy and safe atmosphere, promoting everyone’s ability to thrive in the classroom.
  3. Students should be able to have appropriate interactions with me, the teacher. This means that we should be able to have discussions, regarding classroom work, behavior or anything else that may come up in a civil and proactive way.
  4. Students should be able to come and reinvent themselves here. In matters where disciplinary measures are involved, I, the teacher, believe that tomorrow is a new day. I don’t carry grudges and I don’t expect my students to either. We all make mistakes, but as long as we learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others, we can then move on and continuing growing as people.

These expectations were inspired by the pedagogy of growth-mindset. Though they do not specify certain behaviors or interactions, they allow for a lot of flexibility. As people we know what is acceptable and unacceptable. Below, I will outline consequences for potential delineation from these expectations. Such things will also be determined on a case-to-case basis:

  1. For a first offense, due to insubordination or disrespectful behaviors either to your peers or I, your teacher, you will be given a formal warning and a detention (depending on the severity).
  2. For a second offense, you will be written up and serve detention time with me. In serious cases, or further progression of disrespectful behaviors, you be will asked to leave the classroom. If you are unwilling to step out, you will be written-up and I will call home. We need to maintain a safe learning environment at all times. Any delineation will result in serious consequences.
  3. For a third offense, you will be asked to take all your things and visit your AP. I will call in a conference with you, your AP, parents and guidance in order to set an action plan so that we can see progress in your behavior in class. Administrators will determine the appropriate disciplinary measures.

In essence, these consequences will vary from case-to-case. They are stern since I am stern about protecting the integrity of our classroom. It is a place where students can thrive and focus on school work, rather than worry about any unacceptable behaviors or attitudes.

These classroom expectations and consequences outlined are meant to keep our classroom safe and orderly. If you ever have questions about these regulations, please come see me. In knowing what is expected of you, and that these standards are high, I expect compliance in forms of good behaviors, healthy attitudes and completed assignments.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please see me.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Ms. F